Voltfang auf der EES in München – Besuchen Sie uns! +++ Halle B2, Stand 109 +++

Reference project

The ‘Hotel zur Post’ in Steimbke

The ‘Hotel zur Post’ in Steimbke is a small, cozy private hotel with a total of 14 rooms. Since June 2014, Sven Meier has been running it in a family atmosphere and with great attention to detail.

Profile of the ‘Hotel zur Post’

Advantages for the 'Hotel zu Post'

Self-sufficiency increased to 47%
Access to self-generated energy around the clock.
Reduction of operating costs
With the assistance of self consumption optimization
Positive perception
Live transmission of sustainably produced energy
24t of CO2 saved over 20 years
In addition, the 2nd life batteries do not require any further resources

Implemented use case

The ‘Hotel zur Post’ achieved unbeatable advantages thanks to the use of our commercial storage system. By optimizing self consumption, the self-produced solar power can now be stored on site, making the hotel independent of expensive grid electricity. This enabled the ‘Hotel zur Post’ to switch to a sustainable and cost-efficient energy supply.

Self consumption optimization
Independent and sustainable

Aim of the project

To save heating costs, a gas-powered combined heat and power unit (CHP) runs in the hotel. Until now, Sven had to feed the surplus CHP electricity into the grid at a low price and buy it back later at a higher price. For this reason, Sven has installed a PV system in combination with a Voltfang battery storage system, which enables him to use more of the electricity he produces himself for his guests.

Our customized solution

The industrial electricity storage system for the Hotel zur Post was built with a usable capacity of 24 kWh and an output of 12 kW. The device measures 2000 x 400 x 800 mm and is equipped with matching inverters to ensure efficient power conversion.

Predecessor version

Our commercial storage solution

Capacity up to

24 kWh

Power up to

12 kW


2000 x 400 x 800 mm

As part of this project, the Voltfang Industrial was delivered in a small capacity that is currently no longer available.

Additional reference projects

Below, we present additional reference projects where a Voltfang battery storage system has been implemented. These projects can encompass a variety of applications and industries, including hospitality, agriculture, bakeries, and supermarkets.

Arrange a non-binding consultation appointment now!

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How our approach works

Contact request & consulting
After completing the form, you'll receive not only further information but also the identification of a suitable battery storage system in a personal initial consultation.
Contact request & consulting
After completing the form, you'll receive not only further information but also the identification of a suitable battery storage system in a personal initial consultation.
Offer & reservation:
After consultation, our sales department will prepare a detailed offer. When the order is confirmed, we reserve the battery storage system and set a rough delivery month.
Offer & reservation:
After consultation, our sales department will prepare a detailed offer. When the order is confirmed, we reserve the battery storage system and set a rough delivery month.
Assembly & commissioning:
A specialist company installs the battery storage system, Voltfang employees put it into operation, seamless integration for optimum operation.
Assembly & commissioning:
A specialist company installs the battery storage system, Voltfang employees put it into operation, seamless integration for optimum operation.
Monitoring & support
The battery storage system is registered in the market master data register. In addition, the storage system is constantly monitored to ensure smooth operation.
Monitoring & support
The battery storage system is registered in the market master data register. In addition, the storage system is constantly monitored to ensure smooth operation.
Aftercare & service:
Voltfang provides continuous support after installation. Our team is always available for questions and support to guarantee optimum system functions.
Aftercare & service:
Voltfang provides continuous support after installation. Our team is always available for questions and support to guarantee optimum system functions.