Voltfang auf der EES in München – Besuchen Sie uns! +++ Halle B2, Stand 109 +++


The safe and efficient supermarket

Supermarkets have an enormous energy requirement that must be reliablycovered 24 hours a day due to the constant need for refrigeration. A power failure in supermarkets can lead to major sales losses and loss of goods due to the failure of refrigeration systems and lighting . The installation of a battery storage system provides supermarkets with reliable security during an emergency power supply and offers many other advantages and applications for effectively utilizing their own solar systems on the supermarket roof.

Advantages for a Sustainable Supermarket

Battery storage in the supermarket

Battery storage systems enable supermarkets to make efficient use of renewable energy sources and reduce grid load peaks.. By storing surplus energy, supermarkets can reduce their operating costs and at the same time operate more sustainably. The stored energy capacities can also be used as an emergency power supply in the event of power failures.

Peak shaving
Save avoidable costs
In diversity lies strength

The right battery storage system for your supermarket

The supermarket of today must not only be economical, but also energy-efficient and green. 250 MWh of annual consumption can be reduced by generating its own solar energy on the roof. . A suitable battery storage system makes it possible to make operation even more efficient and environmentally friendly while also saving costs. An ideal capacity for this purpose is 66 kWh.

– NEW –
Voltfang 2

Commercial storage

The Voltfang commercial storage units offer maximum performance and flexibility for indoor and outdoor areas. Whether for small businesses or industrial applications, they optimize self-consumption, strengthen your charging infrastructure and reduce expensive energy peaks.

Capacity up to

1.74 MWh

Power up to

920 kW

10 Years

Reference projects Supermarket

Our battery storage systems have already satisfied renowned retailcompanies throughout Germany See for yourself with our successful reference projects in the supermarket sector.. Due to the different possible applications, we can respond individually to each compa ny.

Arrange a non-binding consultation appointment now!

Fill out our form and secure your free consultation appointment.

How we proceed

Contact request & consulting
After completing the form, you'll receive not only further information but also the identification of a suitable battery storage system in a personal initial consultation.
Contact request & consulting
After completing the form, you'll receive not only further information but also the identification of a suitable battery storage system in a personal initial consultation.
Offer & reservation:
After consultation, our sales department will prepare a detailed offer. When the order is confirmed, we reserve the battery storage system and set a rough delivery month.
Offer & reservation:
After consultation, our sales department will prepare a detailed offer. When the order is confirmed, we reserve the battery storage system and set a rough delivery month.
Assembly & commissioning:
A specialist company installs the battery storage system, Voltfang employees put it into operation, seamless integration for optimum operation.
Assembly & commissioning:
A specialist company installs the battery storage system, Voltfang employees put it into operation, seamless integration for optimum operation.
Monitoring & support
The battery storage system is registered in the market master data register. In addition, the storage system is constantly monitored to ensure smooth operation.
Monitoring & support
The battery storage system is registered in the market master data register. In addition, the storage system is constantly monitored to ensure smooth operation.
Aftercare & service:
Voltfang provides continuous support after installation. Our team is always available for questions and support to guarantee optimum system functions.
Aftercare & service:
Voltfang provides continuous support after installation. Our team is always available for questions and support to guarantee optimum system functions.