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Every hour counts


Discover intraday trading – the way to maximum flexibility in the energy market. The key to maximizing profits in times of high volatility through responsive trading of electricity in real time on spot markets and OTC.

What is Intraday Trading?

The volatile electricity market creates price incentives to generate electricity in line with demand. Intraday trading describes a form of short-term electricity trading in which electricity is traded in very short periods of time (up to 5 minutes in advance). By buying electricity at favorable times and selling it at expensive times, market participants can benefit from the growing market dynamics. A smart algorithm takes control of the processes on the energy market. An energy storage system thus provides the necessary flexibility to enable the integration of volatile renewable energies. Due to the steady expansion of volatile energy producers and the ongoing liberalization of the electricity market, rising market volumes and increasing price dynamics can be expected on the intraday market.

In addition to intraday trading, there are also other forms of flexibility marketing. This includes trading on the day-ahead market, which is upstream of the intraday market. The prices are set the day before. The price fluctuations are usually lower here, but the operating times of the storage system can usually be planned. Other options for flexibility marketing would be participation in balancing energy markets. Battery storage systems are particularly suitable for providing primary balancing power, but the balancing power must be certified.

Advantages of Intraday Trading

Profit maximization
Use temporal arbitrage with storages
Increases grid stability
Filling gaps in unused capacities

For which companies does intraday trading make sense

Together with an energy storage system, intraday trading can be suitable for all companies. The more capacity or flexibility is available for trading electricity, the higher the profit. If you can also flexibly shift your own loads, this increases additional trading volumes and thus the profit potential. The potential is particularly high for companies with their own generation units. The surplus electricity can then be sold at times when electricity prices are high. Whether the integration can be profitably integrated into a company’s existing energy system management ultimately depends on the specific energy portfolio and the ability to provide capacity for the arbitrage of electricity.

Further use cases for increasing energy efficiency

Every company has individual power supply needs. Depending on the circumstances, one or more use cases may apply to the use of commercial storage systems. Our team of experts can help you identify the right use cases and match them to your data to ensure your energy efficiency is optimized.

Self-consumption optimization
Independent and sustainable
Peak shaving
Save avoidable costs
In diversity lies strength
Time of Use
Get the most out of it at all times

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