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Bridging power outages without problems

Emergency power operation

An emergency power supply is essential for the profitability of companies! In times of critical energy supplies, companies can rely on their business operations being guaranteed during power outages and other unforeseen events.

What is an
Emergency Power Supply?

Emergency power operation ensures the power supply in situations where the public power supply fails. Companies can use emergency power systems to ensure business continuity and continue working smoothly even in critical situations. Battery storage systems are of particular importance here.

The Voltfang commercial storage system offers companies a reliable power supply even in emergencies. Regular maintenance of the storage systems is particularly important in order to reliably guarantee security of supply. Depending on the storage capacity, commercial storage systems make it possible to bridge power outages safely.

Advantages of emergency power systems

Security of supply
Business continuity
Security for customers & employees
Less noise and exhaust fume pollution

For which companies is an emergency power supply useful

In particular, companies that depend on a stable power supply, such as data centers, hospitals, production facilities and supermarkets, require emergency power. But companies that do not want to risk power outages can also benefit from an emergency power supply.

Reference projects with an emergency power supply

We have already realized a number of successful projects inwhich the Voltfang commercial storage units act as emergency power supply.. Our referenceprojects feature a Wide range of applications in different industries, including hospitality, agriculture, bakeries and supermarkets, .

Further use cases for increasing energy efficiency

Every company has individual power supply requirements. Depending on the circumstances, one or more use cases may apply to the use of commercial storage systems. Our team of experts can help you identify the right use cases and match them to your data to ensure your energy efficiency is optimized.

Self-consumption optimization
Independent and sustainable
Peak shaving
Save avoidable costs
In diversity lies strength
Time of Use
Get the most out of it at all times
Intraday Trading
Every hour counts

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