Voltfang auf der EES in München – Besuchen Sie uns! +++ Halle B2, Stand 109 +++


Future-proof agriculture

The high CO2 emissions produced in agriculture can be reduced through the generation of renewable energy by agricultural businesses themselves. Battery storage offers an efficient way for agricultural businesses to store energy generated from renewable sources and access it when needed. Battery storage systems are particularly indispensable for farms in remote areas or with frequent power outages.

Advantages for Agriculture

Energy-efficient Agriculture

Battery storage systems offer farms the perfect opportunity to improve their energy efficiency, use renewable energy sources and reliably maintain operations. Applications range from the storage of surplus solar energy to the reduction of grid feed-ins. An emergency power supply can also be guaranteed by using battery storage systems.

Peak shaving
Save avoidable costs
In diversity lies strength
Time of Use
Get the most out of it at all times
Intraday Trading
Every hour counts

The ideal battery storage system for agriculture

An organic farm with dairy cows consumes more than 80 MWh of energy per year, with the automatic milking machines requiring a particularly high amount of energy every morning.. Thanks to the usually large amount of available solar power available, operation can be optimized with a suitable battery storage unit, resulting in a high level of self-sufficiency. A suitable capacity for this purpose could be 66 kWh.

with New Life Batteries

Commercial storage

The modularly expandable Voltfang Industrial and Industrial Outdoor, ranging from 58 kWh to 1.74 MWh, is the stalwart among green battery storage solutions. Boost self-consumption, reinforce your charging infrastructure, or alleviate costly peak loads. Increase your own consumption, strengthen your charging infrastructure or reduce expensive peak loads.

Capacity up to

1.74 MWh

Power up to

920 kW

10 Years

Reference projects Agriculture

Our battery storage systems have already satisfied a large number of agricultural businesses throughout Germany see for yourself with our successful reference projects in the agricultural sector. Due to the different possible applications, we can respond individually to each company´s needs.

Arrange a non-binding consultation appointment now!

Fill out our form and secure your free consultation appointment.

How we proceed

Contact request & consulting
After completing the form, you'll receive not only further information but also the identification of a suitable battery storage system in a personal initial consultation.
Contact request & consulting
After completing the form, you'll receive not only further information but also the identification of a suitable battery storage system in a personal initial consultation.
Offer & reservation:
After consultation, our sales department will prepare a detailed offer. When the order is confirmed, we reserve the battery storage system and set a rough delivery month.
Offer & reservation:
After consultation, our sales department will prepare a detailed offer. When the order is confirmed, we reserve the battery storage system and set a rough delivery month.
Assembly & commissioning:
A specialist company installs the battery storage system, Voltfang employees put it into operation, seamless integration for optimum operation.
Assembly & commissioning:
A specialist company installs the battery storage system, Voltfang employees put it into operation, seamless integration for optimum operation.
Monitoring & support
The battery storage system is registered in the market master data register. In addition, the storage system is constantly monitored to ensure smooth operation.
Monitoring & support
The battery storage system is registered in the market master data register. In addition, the storage system is constantly monitored to ensure smooth operation.
Aftercare & service:
Voltfang provides continuous support after installation. Our team is always available for questions and support to guarantee optimum system functions.
Aftercare & service:
Voltfang provides continuous support after installation. Our team is always available for questions and support to guarantee optimum system functions.

Arrange a non-binding consultation appointment now!

Fill out our form and secure your free consultation appointment.