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Time of Use

In battery storage systems, Time of Use (TOU) refers to an energy management strategy that aims to benefit from time-variable electricity tariffs. Intelligent control of energy storage and discharge plays a decisive role here.

What does
Time of Use mean ?

In practice, this means that the battery is charged more during periods of low electricity prices. During expensive tariff periods, the battery storage system is then discharged to cover demand. This type of load shifting allows the consumer to increase energy efficiency and minimize costs.

Ein weiterer, spezieller Anwendungsfall ist das sogenannte “Smart Charging”. Here, the charging process of electric cars is automatically adapted to the variable electricity tariff in order to utilize the optimal TOU time. With the integration of an energy storage system, smart charging maximizes the flexibility and efficiency of charging. The precise adaptation of the battery storage system’s charging and discharging behavior to fluctuations in electricity tariffs also supports the sustainable use of renewable energy, as surplus energy is stored and used at times of low renewable generation.

Time of Use can also be expanded with numerous other use cases. For example, the focus can be placed on optimizing self-consumption and also benefiting from dynamic electricity prices through intelligent charging and discharging.

Benefits of Time of Use

Cost saving
Grid load relief
Improved energy efficiency
renewable energies

For which companies does Time of Use make sense

The basis for this use case is a time-variable (also known as dynamic) electricity tariff, which all major electricity suppliers will have to offer from 2025 onwards. If this is the case, time of use can be an advantage for a large number of companies. For example, industrial companies or agricultural businesses with energy-intensive processes can achieve considerable cost savings with TOU, as only the cheapest electricity is ever used with the help of an electricity storage system. Retail stores, data centers or hotels and restaurants can use TOU and a battery storage system to optimize their energy costs while ensuring the reliability of their energy supply.

Ultimately, suitability depends on a company’s specific energy requirements, operating times and electricity tariffs.

Further use cases for increasing energy efficiency

Every company has individual power supply needs. Depending on the circumstances, one or more use cases may apply to the use of commercial storage systems. Our team of experts can help you identify the right use cases and match them to your data to ensure your energy efficiency is optimized.

Self-consumption optimization
Independent and sustainable
Peak shaving
Save avoidable costs
In diversity lies strength
Intraday Trading
Every hour counts

with Time of Use

Discover our successful projects with implemented Time of Use. These versatile applications span various industries such as hospitality, agriculture, bakeries and supermarkets.

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