Voltfang auf der EES in München – Besuchen Sie uns! +++ Halle B2, Stand 109 +++

Reference project

The Grunwald farm

The Grunwald farm is located in the Hürtgenwald/Raffelsbrand region and experiences a high energy demand in the early morning hours. To cut costs and ensure efficient energy supply, Grunwald has opted for a Voltfang battery storage solution.

Profile of Grunwald Farm

Advantages for the Grunwald farm

Self-consumption increased to 93.3
By optimizing self-consumption
Reduction of operating costs
With the help of peak shaving
Efficient energy use
With the Industrial, self-sufficiency is at 37.4 %
30t CO2 savings over 20 years
In addition, the 2nd Life batteries do not require any further resources

Implemented use case

The Grunwald farm has achieved unbeatable advantages through the utilization of our commercial storage solution. Thanks to self-consumption optimization and peak load capping, self-produced solar power can be stored on site. As a result, the operation becomes independent of expensive grid electricity and can transition to a sustainable and cost-efficient energy supply.

Peak shaving
Save avoidable costs
In diversity lies strength
Time of Use
Get the most out of it at all times

Aim of the project

The Grunwald agricultural business wanted to make its energy supply more sustainable. By implementing our commercial energy storage for self-consumption optimization and peak shaving, Grunwald was able to efficiently meet its energy demands, reduce costs, and simultaneously contribute to a sustainable future. A groundbreaking concept that inspires other agricultural enterprises and sets a new standard. Welcome to the energy-efficient agriculture of the future.

Our customized solution

The Industrial commercial storage system utilized by Grunwald was delivered with a capacity of 58 kWh and a power output of 30 kW. The unit features a compact size of 2000 x 600 x 800 mm and is equipped with high-quality Kaco inverters to ensure efficient conversion of electricity.

Our commercial storage solution

Capacity up to

58 kWh

Power up to

30 kW


2000 x 600 x 800 mm

The Grunwald farm, with its sustainable energy concept, is setting a pioneering standard for future agricultural enterprises.

Additional reference projects

Below, we present additional reference projects where a Voltfang battery storage system has been implemented. These projects can encompass a variety of applications and industries, including hospitality, agriculture, bakeries, and supermarkets.

Arrange a non-binding consultation appointment now!

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How our approach works

Contact request & consulting
After completing the form, you'll receive not only further information but also the identification of a suitable battery storage system in a personal initial consultation.
Contact request & consulting
After completing the form, you'll receive not only further information but also the identification of a suitable battery storage system in a personal initial consultation.
Offer & reservation:
After consultation, our sales department will prepare a detailed offer. When the order is confirmed, we reserve the battery storage system and set a rough delivery month.
Offer & reservation:
After consultation, our sales department will prepare a detailed offer. When the order is confirmed, we reserve the battery storage system and set a rough delivery month.
Assembly & commissioning:
A specialist company installs the battery storage system, Voltfang employees put it into operation, seamless integration for optimum operation.
Assembly & commissioning:
A specialist company installs the battery storage system, Voltfang employees put it into operation, seamless integration for optimum operation.
Monitoring & support
The battery storage system is registered in the market master data register. In addition, the storage system is constantly monitored to ensure smooth operation.
Monitoring & support
The battery storage system is registered in the market master data register. In addition, the storage system is constantly monitored to ensure smooth operation.
Aftercare & service:
Voltfang provides continuous support after installation. Our team is always available for questions and support to guarantee optimum system functions.
Aftercare & service:
Voltfang provides continuous support after installation. Our team is always available for questions and support to guarantee optimum system functions.