Always save optimally

Dynamic electricity prices

Take advantage of dynamic electricity tariffs and turn price fluctuations to your benefit. With intelligent control through the Voltfang Energy Trader, you save automatically by shifting your electricity consumption to more favorable time periods – ideal for businesses with high energy needs and battery storage systems.

Why use battery storage with dynamic electricity prices?

Dynamic electricity prices offer significant savings potential due to hourly tariff fluctuations. To fully capitalize on these savings, a battery storage system is essential. It stores electricity purchased at lower rates and releases it during more expensive periods. Without a storage system, consumption would need to be manually shifted to cheaper times, which is often impractical. An intelligent battery storage solution, such as the Voltfang Energy Trader, automatically handles this task and optimizes electricity use based on the best price signals.

For more details and further information on dynamic electricity prices, visit our blog!

Automated cost optimization with the Voltfang Energy Trader

The unique feature of the Energy Trader lies in its combination of real-time data processing and AI optimization. It uses the Day-Ahead market prices from EPEX, which are published daily at 2:00 PM and updated hourly, to create the best schedule for the next 24 hours. This involves considering comprehensive data such as consumption and generation data, as well as EPEX Day-Ahead prices. The Energy Trader updates the schedule every 15 minutes, taking into account various battery states like self-consumption optimization, delayed discharge, or active charging from the grid.

Clear advantage

The Energy Trader can reduce electricity procurement costs by up to 40% by responding to market prices and adjusting battery operations through:

  • Charging from the grid during times of low electricity prices
  • Delaying discharge until periods of high electricity prices

In doing so, priority is given to optimizing self-consumption and other use cases.

Advantages of dynamic electricity prices and storage

Reduce electricity costs by up to 40%
Maximized self-consumption rate
Automated optimization
Promoting renewable energies

Which types of businesses are suitable for dynamic electricity tariffs?

Starting in 2025, all major electricity providers will be required to offer dynamic electricity tariffs. This development makes such tariffs particularly attractive for businesses with high energy needs that can benefit from fluctuating prices. Industrial facilities, data centers, retail stores, and the hospitality sector can use a battery storage system to take advantage of lower-cost electricity periods and achieve significant cost savings. It’s crucial that electricity consumption is managed flexibly to avoid peak loads and maximize efficiency. Ultimately, suitability depends on individual operating hours and energy requirements.

Ultimately, suitability depends on a company’s specific energy requirements, operating times and electricity tariffs.

Further use cases for increasing energy efficiency

Every company has individual power supply requirements. Depending on the circumstances, one or more use cases may apply to the use of commercial storage systems. Our team of experts can help you identify the right use cases and match them to your data to ensure your energy efficiency is optimized.

Optimize your energy

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Further valuable insights

The 7,000-Hour Rule: Detailed Explanation for Companies
Dynamic electricity tariffs: How companies save on energy costs

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